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Western Tile Backsplash Wraparounds

Western tile backsplash wraparound storylines and no repeating.

Custom made to fit your project.

Made in the USA

Bathroom, Western, Full Mural Wraparound
Full Bathroom Wraparound
Western Bathroom Shower Wraparound
Shower wraparound

Hello! Welcome to the unique world of Western Tile Storyline and Wraparounds. Our storylines are single-line stories that stretch across one wall and are perfect for Western Kitchen Backsplash Tile and Western Bathroom Tile. We have an amazing selection of silhouette-style western wraparound storylines that are layout examples, but keep in mind that each can be made to fit your space, and you may require a custom layout and size. Just choose from our website the storyline or lines you want to use, and let us know If there is a particular order you want each subject to appear. Measurements are critical if corners are involved, but don’t worry, we will handle it for you. After the storyline has been designed, only minor changes can be made, but we guarantee you’ll love it. All silhouette style storylines are available in any of the tile sizes 4.25″ x 4.25″ • 6″ x 6″ • 8″ x 8″ • 12″ x 12″. Don’t forget to check our COLOR CHART for color selection.

Western Border Backsplash Tile 3"x6"
10722 - Western Backsplash Border Tile 3"x6" - with or without Turquoise or Coral accents • Repeat as needed.

Because of the length of our backsplash wraparound storylines, it is impossible to show them in one single line. We have divided them into sections to clearly see the full image. Otherwise, the image would be so small it would be difficult to see.
Each storyline is customizable, we have the ability to move elements around within the storyline to make it work for your project. You don’t need to purchase the inter storyline as you see it.

Angus Cattle Drive 7 tile - Dark Tan
Angus Cattle Drive 7 tile - Dark Tan
10786 - Watering-the-Cattle-Roundup_12x72---STORYLINE-FRAMED
Packstring heading to the Cabin
10014 Packstring and Cabin 6 tile Storyline
Western Riders, Packing
10027 - Wester Riders Packing
Western Riders - Gray Scale
10027 - Western Riders Packing - Gray Scale
Cattle Roundup
10632 Cattle Roundup 3 tile Storyline
10631 Cattle Roundup
10631 Cattle Roundup 4 tile Storyline
Angus Cattle Roundup
10024 Angus Roundup 5 tile Storyline
Trail Ride
10020 Trail Ride 9 tile Storyline
Bringin in the Wild Bunch
10021 Bringin in the Wild Bunch 8 tile Storyline
Mule Packstring-Cabin
10692 Packing to the Cabin - Burnt Orange 8 tile Storyline
10015 Packstring 14 tile Storyline
Trail Rider

10016 Trail Riders 22 tile Wraparound • Two Wall Layout

Cattle Drive Roundup

10017 Cattle Drive – 56 tile Wraparound • Multiple Wall Layout.

Cattle Roundup

10017 Cattle Roundup – 21 tile Wraparound • Three Wall Layout.

Longhorns, Mares and Colts
10018 Longhorns, Mares and Colts 7 tile Storyline
10019 Packstring 14 tile Wraparound
Band of Mustangs

10023 Mustang Band 28 tile Wraparound • Two Wall Layout

Family trail Ride
10025 Family Trail Ride 5 tile Storyline
Mares and Colts
10026 Mares and Colts 8 tile Storyline
Mountain Packstring
10027 Mountain Packstring 3 tile Storyline
Chuck Wagon Cowboy Camp
10528 Cowboy Chuck Wagon Camp 6 tile Storyline
Mustang Roundup
Mustang Roundup

10529 Mustang Roundup 11 tile Wraparound • Two Wall Layout.

Mustang Roundup
Mustang Roundup

10530 Mustang Roundup – 15 tile Wraparound Two Wall Layout.

Band of Mustangs

10544 Running Mustangs 15 tile Wraparound – Two Wall Layout

Cattle Drive
10697 Cattle Drive 6 tile Storyline

For detail information

Contact Dick via E-mail at



All images on the website are copyright protected

© by Dick L. Sizemore, 2020